상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

비트 연산 활용한 PS 꿀팁 1 - 기본편

Study/Tip notes

by Arq.Dev5igner 2024. 10. 16. 16:33


날아감 ㅎㅎ...;;

Transfer numbers from one number system to any other online (binary2hex.com)


Transfer numbers from one number system to any other online

let\'s translate to decimal like this: 1∙87+0∙86+1∙85+0∙84+1∙83+0∙82+0∙81+1∙80+1∙8-1+0∙8-2+1∙8-3 = 1∙2097152+0∙262144+1∙32768+0∙4096+1∙512+0∙64+0∙8+1∙1+1∙0.125+0∙0.015625+1∙0.001953125 = 2097152+0+32768+0+512+0+0





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